Why Milk-Pro?
Dairy farmers and milk processors in The Developing World have always found life tough. Inadequate road infrastructures, unreliable electricity supply grids, the capital-intensive nature of dairy processing equipment, lack of access to capital among milk processors and climates unsuited to European dairy cow breeds all contribute to dairy industries being poorly-developed in these regions.
Where milk is produced, it is usually on a small scale, and the range of dairy products available for sale to consumers is restricted. High-quality dairy products are often imported into these countries from outside making the products expensive and mostly unavailable to large sections of the community. Lack of affordable and appropriate small-scale milk processing technology has always been a significant deterrent to the expansion of the dairy industries in poorer countries.
The Milk-Pro ® pasteurisation system was developed in South Africa in the early 1990’s to address these challenges. Its approach to processing milk by packing it first, pasteurising in the packaging and only then rapidly chilling the milk to storage temperatures was, and still is innovative. Its features and benefits become the following advantages;
- Once the package is sealed and the contents pasteurised, the milk can’t be contaminated again until the package is opened for use – this gives the milk a longer shelf life at proper refrigerated storage temperatures.
- Only the filling unit comes into contact with the milk, so there is less to clean at the end of each day and less-expensive equipment and manufacturing methods are required.
- The system is manually-operated, robust and simple to use, therefore ideal for use in rural areas far away from technical support.
- The system has no moving parts, is consistent and reliable, time after time.
- Daily volumes from 100 to 1000 liters become profitable.
It’s no wonder the Milk-Pro ® is now being used in more than 50 countries around the world!
Milk your business for all its worth!