Milk-Pro International was conceived of, founded, and owned by Greg Haylle-Dick, a small-scale dairy consultant with a demonstrated history of working in the dairy industry for over 25 years. Greg is a strong business development professional with a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) focused in Chemical Engineering from University of Cape Town.

Greg is also an experienced water treatment and O&M engineer, skilled in potable and waste water treatment plant design and O&M, and has skills in International Business Development, Management.

Milk-Pro International employs a carefully curated set of suppliers and works men who aid in supplying and producing the finest equipment for the small-scale dairy industry. They are also well-known for creating custom solutions for small-scale dairy production.  

The recent addition of Dairy Dynamics to the Milk-Pro International stable has allowed the company to expand and welcome more clients.

You can visit the Dairy Dynamics website here 

Milk your business for all its worth!